This is a guide for Indian people to know all about gonorrhea In case some Indian is a victim of gonorrhea; he may consult this site to learn about treatment of gonorrhea in India.
History of Gonorrhea in India
Reliable records of gonorrhea in India can merely be found for the duration of the British Empire in India. During British rule in India, in official figures of the army, venereal infections like syphilis, gonorrhea and soft chancre can be found.
But the traces of Gonoria in India can also be found far behind British rule.
About Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted disease (STD) or Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). The reason behind Gonorrhea is a bacteria naming Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which can mature and multiply itself easily in the warm and soggy areas of the reproductive and sexual organs, throat and eyes in women and men.
How do people of India get or catch gonorrhea?
Prostitutes in India are the main cause of spreading Gonorrhea in India besides any other means. In citizens of India, Gonorrhea is extending through contact of Gonorrhea bacteria with the penis, mouth, vagina, or anus. Another cause of spreading of Gonorrhea in India is from mother to baby during delivery.
Areas of India with most Gonorrhea cases
According to a survey of Gonorrhea in India, Bombay counted a maximum number of Gonorrhea patients annually. Other most effected cities of India are New Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Cochin.
What are the signs and symptoms of Gonorrhea in India?
Sexually active persons of India are often the victims of Gonorrhea. Although many Indians with gonorrhea may have no signs or symptoms at all, a number of Indians have some signs or symptoms that appear two to five days after infection. Symptoms and signs of Gonorrhea in Indians include a burning sensation while urinating, or a yellow, white, or green discharge from the penis. Sometimes Indian men with gonorrhea get painful or swollen testicles.
In Indian women, the symptoms of gonorrhea are often meek. The early symptoms and signs in Indian women comprise a painful or burning sensation while urinating, increased vaginal release, or unexpected vaginal bleeding between periods.
How can gonorrhea be preventedin India?
The surest way for Indians to keep away from transmission of Gonorrhea or any other sexually transmitted diseases is to give up sexual intercourse except their legal sexual partner.
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