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Is asthma curable?

The following questions I've answered from

Your humble question:  Is asthma curable?

My humble answer:  There is no cure for asthma.  However, with proper treatment you can control and prevent asthma symptoms so you can live a relatively normal life.  Here are some tips

Your humble quesiton:  Is there a cheaper substitute to spiriva?

My humble answer:  Not at this time.  Spiriva is a relatively new medicine and it is patented, which means no other company can use the same formula.  I'm not sure how long the patent is good for

Your humble question:  Is it safe to use singulair and prednisone at the same time?

My humble answer:  Yes it is safe to use prednisone with singulair.  Just make sure you follow your doctor's instructions to a tee.



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