Workers can inhale the dust of demolition or renovation activities at risk of contracting lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestos, which is a disease that causes scarring and stiffness in the lungs. For that necessary protective clothing including respirator (special masks) when working around the building and avoid smoking.
2. Manufacturing
Factory worker could be exposed to dust, chemicals and gases that can increase the risk of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Certain chemicals such as diacetyl flavorings used in microwave popcorn, wine factories, and food can cause a devastating disease, bronchiolitis obliterans ie.
3. Health workers
It is estimated that about 8-12 percent of health workers is very sensitive to the existing powder on latex gloves, which can cause severe reactions or trigger asthma, allergies.
4. Textiles
Byssinosis or known by the name of brown lung disease is a common condition among textile workers who make seats, towels, socks, sheets and clothing.
5. Bartender
Serving drinks in a room full of cigarette smoke placing bartenders at high risk of lung disease, particularly if regularly exposed to secondhand smoke and for many years.
6. Bakery workers
This work can trigger asthma due to flour dust at risk of a very significant develop allergic sensitization. Another common thing is the reaction of asthma to enzymes used in turning the dough, and other allergens are often found in flour.
7. Automotive Industry
Workers in particular automotive repair car body parts are very likely to develop asthma. This is because products such as spray paint and polyurethane isocyanate may cause skin irritation, allergies, shortness of breath and cause severe breathing difficulties. The use of a respirator, gloves, goggles, and good ventilation can be very helpful.
8. Transport Workers
Truck drivers, public transport and those who served in the loading and unloading at risk of COPD. This condition is often affected due to air pollution from motor vehicles, especially diesel exhaust.
9. Mining
The miners at high risk of a number of lung diseases like COPD and silicosis (scarring disease of the lungs due to silica Airborne). Meanwhile, coal miners at risk of lung disease called pneumokoniosis (black lung). This disease is a long term investment, hence the use of masks that can filter fine dust can help.

Firefighters at risk of inhaling smoke and various chemicals that may exist inside the burning building. Exposure to toxic materials and asbestos is a risk that often occurs after the fire goes out. For that respiratory protective equipment should always be used at all stages of fire fighting, including during sweep the debris to make sure the fire is not lit anymore.
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