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Gonorrhea Facts

  • Gonorrhea is frequently known as GC or "the clap".
  • Gonorrhea is the second mainly widespread sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States after Chlamydia, consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). On the other hand, there are other STDs that physicians are not obligatory to report to the CDC that are also common, such as the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and herpes.
  • It can be conveyed through any kind of sexual contact: vaginal, oral or anal.
  • In women, the bacteria of gonorrhea often enter in the body during vaginal contact. Ejaculation in vagina or any other place by a male partner is not compulsory to spread gonorrhea in woman.
  • In addition, Gonorrhea can be transmitted in further ways, counting oral sex and touching an infected person's genitals and then touching own eyes, but it is not spread by kissing on the lips only. Deep Kissing can spread Gonorrhea.
  • The bacterium that reason Gonorrhea is called Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. It increases in moist areas of the human body both in men and women. It cannot survive in open air.
  • Ahead of a moist surface, the gonorrhea bacteria can only survive for a short time. They cannot stay alive or be transmitted from non-living objects or surfaces.
  • Gonorrhea bacteria cannot straightforwardly hold on to membranes of the vagina in adult women, but be able in girls and teenagers.
  • The uppermost rates of gonorrhea infection bring into being in women age 15 to 19 and men age 20 to 24 in accordance with the NWHRC.
  • Men are more expected than women to be aware of symptoms of gonorrhea, for example hurting urination. Approximately half of women infected from gonorrhea do not know about symptoms, in accordance with the National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC).
  • Women are extra lying on front to complications of gonorrhea, for instance pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can make possible infertility.
  • Over three-fourths of the Gonorrhea cases reported to the U.S. government take place in sexually active people of under age 30.
  • Furthermore, people with gonorrhea frequently have Chlamydia, a different sexually transmitted disease that might make no symptoms.
  • Following a 74% decrease between 1975 and 1997, gonorrhea rates are on the increase once more as said by the CDC. There was a 5.5% raise from 2005 to 2006.
  • Almost 360K cases of gonorrhea were reported to the CDC in 2006. The condition often goes undiagnosed for the reason that numerous people experience no symptoms. The CDC approximate that an equivalent number of gonorrhea cases are not identified or reported.


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