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Acne Treatment begins with a Change in Your Diet:

Dear Friend,

As the Father of Medicine; Hippocrates once stated: “Let your foods be your medicine, and your medicine your food”

It will be an understatement to say he is correct and had I known of this during my close to a decade of marring acne and sheer waste of money on so-called acne products, perhaps my life-at that time-would have been much happier.

Well, now that I do know, with the staggering number of acne patients left (last time I stumbled on the number, we are talking 50 million plus people folks!), I feel the least I can do is inform or better still remind the public of this simple discipline towards acne treatment, naturally and permanently.

I can boldly say, starting today, if you suffer from acne and want to see it gone, like I did so many years back: You have to stop eating acid-forming/disease forming foods. In lay-man terms: Junk and processed foods and drinks. How did I figure this out? Well, at the time I was a Michael Jackson fan and had read in some books on him that he as well as Jermaine, his brother, suffered from severe acne as teens but were able to control it with a change in their diet, from the Standard American diet to a healthier vegetarian one.

Needless to say, I swore off junk food as the first step towards a successful acne treatment and started doing my own research to validate this claim and indeed, that suggestion is correct. “You are what you eat!” is a saying known all over the world, and what you consume has arguably the most effect on your overall health. Now since the skin, according to Dr. Stanley Burroughs, is the second most important eliminating organ, it only makes sense that what is consumed should not leave a detrimental residue to aggravate skin eruptions.

Moreover, all processed and junk foods and even foods of the animal kingdom, tend to not only constipate the visceral organs, but they poison the blood, which my friends aggravates the other causes of poor health like stress, insomnia and the like. Remember, blood DOES flow through the brain. No one is saying that other factors like losing a job, death and the like don’t still exist. Far from it, but from an internal point of view, you have to make the effort to change your diet for not only acne treatment but overall improved health and fitness.

That said, herein lies a suggestion for a successful treatment of acne conditions. No, I’m not a religious fanatic but hey the Creator cannot be wrong folks: “Every herb bearing Seed and ever fruit bearing see in it shall be yours for food. Gen 1: 29”
Okay, I’ll break it down, for a successful acne treatment, eat more (if not exclusively)
Fruits and vegetables. Of course they are best enjoyed raw AND organic (if possible), but can be also relished properly cooked. (So don’t steam with excess water AND by all means AVOID THE MICROWAVE-trust me I know what I’m saying)

Also, for external acne treatments ensure that you change the pillow-case nightly if possible, sleep on the right side (face clearly off the pillow), avoid harsh chemicals, avoid positioning your face underneath a shower (especially when it’s hot)…this for 2 reasons-doing so introduces harmful chlorine into your lungs and from my experience, aggravates acne by drying out the skin and consequently suggesting to the dermis that it needs to produce more oil than needed to lubricate the skin.

You may want to pick up facial massaging or simply washing the face with cool water.
In addition, it doesn’t hurt to occasionally steam your face. Try using boiled DISTILLED water though for the same reasons on avoiding Chlorine inhalation above.

Now, you try this for a week and I bet you, you will see a drastic improvement in your skin condition via this superior, yet common sense method of acne treatment.


Foras Aje

It’s been fun writing this, but I wanted to add…throw in a fast or a restricted fruit diet of a seasonal Juicy fruit for just 3 days with the external factors above. You will thank me that I told you this…trust me.


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