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Beyond Consequences

This is an excerpt from a recent newsletter from the Beyond Consequences Institute. (
Although Heather Forbes is responding to a parent, her words and methods of thought also apply directly to our work in treatment settings.

QUESTION: I understand that my adopted daughter has a trauma history, but if I'm not giving consequences, then doesn't my child think that her behavior is okay? I'm struggling because it isn't acceptable to be disrespectful to me. I have to say that her behavior is so appalling! I understand how reacting can be disempowering -- but what can I do that's empowering in that moment that sends the right message to her?

ANSWER: If we go back to the understanding that negative behavior comes from an unconscious place (see Chapter 1, Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control), we can begin to see that the disrespect is about something much deeper. This level of disrespect began in early relationships where her own needs were never respected. She is simply acting out of the model that was imprinted within her system in years prior. As our book mentions, those are the patterns that bind us. If you work to change the behavior in the moment of her distress, you will find yourself becoming frustrated at the lack of change. This is because we cannot learn when we are stress out. Stress inhibits our cognitive thinking. So the life lesson of being respectful even when angry needs to come when she is calm and regulated. Work to calm her nervous system and calm her emotional state. Really listen to her. Many times children (and we as adults) become disrespectful, rude, and/or loud because we don't feel like we are being heard. Connect with the disrespect instead of trying to shut it down. When you truly listen to what is behind the disrespect, you will find the depth of pain and fear your daughter is experiencing. Saying something like, "Sweetheart, when you speak disrespectfully, that only tells me that you're hurting inside. It also tells me that someone must have really disrespected you. (feel that pain for her, apologize for how she was treated, join her instead of correcting her....etc.)" She needs you to help her to connect with her pain; it is too painful and too scary to connect with it on her own. She is reacting at you because feeling her level of pain is overwhelming to her entire system. Thus, the message you will be sending back to her at that very moment is one of respect, compassion, and love. You will be giving her the message that strengthening your relationship with her is your primary goal-that she is more important to you than anything else on this planet. Certainly the long-term goal is to teach our children to be respectful to their parents and that we should live a life of obedience. Yet when this lesson is given in the heat of the moment, defensive, disrespectful, and defiant feedback loops are created between parent and child (see Chapter 4, Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control). And the most important point is:

The real consequence is that relationships become broken
and the relationship's focus becomes control and power.

So, an hour later, that evening, or sometime when you both are better connected, talk to her about the disrespect and discuss options and ways to handle it differently the next time. Express your reactions to her behavior and how it makes you feel. Perhaps relate a story of your own experience and from your past that would connect with her. All of this will begin to help her to learn how to connect with herself when she begins to get stressed out and dysregulated. This will empower her to come to you for help in a loving and respectful way and it will empower her to develop her own regulatory ability to handle stressful situations as an adult. Parenting out of this love-based approach is hard work. In most cases, it would be much easier to give out a consequence and be done with it. Yet, when we truly understand that behavior does not come from a cognitive, rational place, we realize that giving consequences is actually quite irrational and illogical. The Beyond Consequences Institute (BCI) was not established to help parents and professionals simply learn a new technique. Rather, BCI is about learning an entire new paradigm. It is a paradigm that you live out of and a paradigm in which your perspective of the world is forever changed-a perspective whose foundation is based in love and in the understanding that power does not come from control, but through loving influence.

Heather Forbes, LCSW
Beyond Consequences Institute, LLC
631 N. Hyer Avenue
Orlando, FL 32803

Acne Myths, Finally Some Facts

Acne is a common skin condition, which can be extremely mild or quite disfiguring. Having had a rather bad case as a young adolescent, I know the kind of socially embarrassing consequences it can have for the victim but I also remember it being sore and painful, filling my life with discomfort. It lingered a long time until I went to a dermatologist who used a type of freezing process, mechanically removing excessive puss from the lesions in relatively non-painful way. There were also topical notions. The result was total success, without scarring.

Until I went to a dermatologist, though, there was little or no gain in getting rid of this foul condition. I, like other children, were subject to disturbing concepts of its origins. Although this was a long time ago, these myths have stayed around- often causing grave delays in seeking treatment.

One of the myths is that acne is caused by everyday dirt and surface oil on the skin and that the solution is frequent and vigorous washing of the skin. Vigorous washing of the face to cure acne is a myth. The fact is- the problems that have caused chronic acne are deeper, beneath the skin’s surface and that only a mild washing of the face is in order, often accompanied with specific solutions prescribed for treating the acne by a dermatologist. Vigorous washing of the face, particularly with harsh soaps, can lead to a further irritation of the tissue. There is, in part, a bacteriological condition that contributes to acne and it is below the surface.

Another idea is that acne is caused by stress. Scientific research seems to indicate that stress alone probably does not lead to acne, but it may be aggravated by stress. But, unfortunately, acne can result from certain prescriptions that are used to treat stress. So, if you are on certain drugs related to stress, you should certain talk to your dermatologist, the appropriate type of physician for dealing with this problem. According to Doctor James Fulton, a pioneer in the treatment of acne, lithium, a substance sometimes used in profound psychological disorders, can aggravate an acne condition.

Another myth that can lead to profoundly unpleasant consequences is that one should let acne run its course, “grow out of it.” As I myself know too well, acne can linger for years and get worse and worse. At the end of my experience, my acne was very disfiguring and covered my whole face and part of my neck. It was hard to keep my hands off this uncomfortable, scaly, itchy and sore condition. I was certainly a candidate for scarring. I had a kind of skin emergency and I am glad that my parents were smart enough and lucky enough to get me to the right place at the right time.

Can acne be the consequence of poor nutrition? I think the jury may be out on this one, but, for myself, I came to believe that my excessive eating of chocolate and a lot of sugar products were contributing factors to my acne. But, in my case, I did not see any correlation before my medical treatment and it was clearly medical intervention that helped me. There are certainly many naturopathically oriented practitioners and some medical doctors that share this view, though. Not everything in medicine is a hundred percent clear cut and every acne victim should certainly research all the alternatives.

Copyright 2005 George ForganSmith

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George ForganSmith

Learn more about acne today at

Identify Your Acne Before You Get Treatment

Understanding how to treat your Acne involves knowing which type of Acne may have. Acne has many variations, ranging in severity from mild to much more serious cases that can cause disfigurement. There are many treatments for acne available on the market, but it is very important to first identify your Acne type before choosing a treatment.

Acne Vulgaris

The most common form of Acne is named Acne Vulgaris. This type of acne can be easily identified by looking at the characteristics of the lesions.

- Whiteheads: When a pore becomes completely blocked by trapping sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria, you will notice a white appearance on the surface. Whiteheads normally will disappear fast than blackheads on your skin. You should resist the temptation to pop these pimples

- Blackheads: When are pore is only partially blocked, the trapped sebum, bacteria and dead skin will have slowly drained to the surface of your skin. The black color is caused by your skins pigment and melanin reacting with oxygen. Blackheads will normally take longer to disappear than whiteheads. You should also resist the temptation to pop these pimples too.

- Pustules: You can identify a pustule by a red circle with a white or yellow center. The pustule will look similar to a whitehead with the difference being inflammation. Pustules are commonly referred to as Zits.

- Papules: The papule is a red, inflamed and tender bump on the skin with no visible head. You should not attempt to squeeze this lesion as you may cause or exacerbate scarring.

- Severe Acne Vulgaris: The sever types of Acne Vulgaris include Nodules and Cysts and will be quite painful. You should consult your dermatologist for treating these types of acne.

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea may look very similar to Acne Vulgaris and often causes confusion. Millions of people are affected by Acne Rosacea, and it mostly strikes people over the age of 30. It will start to appear as a reddish rash on the cheeks, forehead, nose and/or chin. You may also notice small bumps, skin blemishes or pimples in the area. Blackheads are not a symptom of Rosacea. You should consult your dermatologist if you suspect you have Rosacea, because treatment is often very different.

There are other very serious forms of Acne such as Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans, Gram-Negative Folliculitis and Pyoderma Faciale. These forms of Acne are very rare, but they can be disfiguring, painful and have psychological effects.

It is always recommended that you consult with your dermatologist to confirm the type of Acne you have and the best treatments available. The above information should only be used as a reference, and only a trained dermatologist can accurately diagnose your Acne.

Contributor's Info

Darren Hoffman provides an Acne Treatment Resource Website with information, treatment options and advice for people suffering from Acne.

Practicing A Proactive Acne Treatment

Having acne can be a miserable experience to have to endure. It can be physically and emotionally painful and embarrassing. It can cause feelings of isolation, low-self esteem, even depression. Acne affects nearly everyone at some point in his or her life, whether it's during puberty, pregnancy (or during some other hormonally-charged period in life), or just during any time of hood. But there are ways to prevent and even control acne if you take a preemptive approach. The best way to counteract the effects of this skin problem is to carry out a proactive acne treatment, which will help you to take care of your body as well as your skin.

Proactive is defined as acting in advance of an expected problem, or to be anticipatory. If you know that you are prone to acne, anticipating the problem and taking steps to defend yourself against it is the best way to go. There are several proactive acne treatment measures that a person can take in order to reduce the amount of breakouts, and to keep the breakouts that do occur from being too bad. One of the best ways to deal with acne is through exercise.

Exercise is not only a great way to regulate your weight and keep your body in good physical condition, but it also helps to lower stress levels that can cause or aggravate acne. In addition, sweating is a way of cleaning out the body, ridding it of oils and bad bacteria. It is important, though, to wear lightweight, breathable fabrics when exercising. Perspiration that is trapped between fabric and the skin can let bacteria grow and clog the pores, which will lead to acne.

Another effective proactive acne treatment is through diet. Though it is commonly understood now that what you eat does not cause acne, it is also commonly known that certain vitamins and minerals help the body fight the war on acne. It is a good idea to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, and E. This will not only give you a healthy body, but will help to curb breakouts. In addition, drinking plenty of water will help keep your skin looking fresh, and your color bright.

Stress has an immense effect on a person's complexion. We wear our problems on our faces, in the form of dark circles, wrinkles, and yes, even acne. There are a variety of stressors that affect us in different ways. Stressors are things that cause anxiety to your body and your well-being, which can also cause or aggravate an acne problem. Certain external stressors involve things that negatively affect the outside of your body, and include such things as oil-ridden cosmetics, overexposure to the sun, and a poor diet.

Internal stressors include factors that cause anxiety, depression, or low self esteem. Not dealing with emotions or high stress levels can cause acne flare-ups or other outward indications of inward problems. As mentioned before, exercise is an ideal way to manage stress. Also, participating in activities that you enjoy can also reduce your stress levels. And, don't forget to get an abundance of sleep if at all possible. Sleep provides your mind and body time to rest and rejuvenate.

There are several acne treatments that you can perform that, if done on a regular basis, prove to be highly effective, proactive measures. For example, always try to use oil-free cosmetics that won't clog your pores. Shaving the skin with a light touch and a sharp razor or even an electric shaver helps to exfoliate the skin and won't be too rough on skin that is broken out. It is best, though to avoid areas of the skin that are especially irritated or infected, and allow them time to heal. Also, make sure to gently wash your face twice daily with lightly exfoliating products. Do not ever scrub the skin, for this can lead to further irritation and more acne problems.

Taking the proactive approach to acne treatment is by far the best way to avoid embarrassing or painful breakouts. And you will find in doing so, that you will not only have healthier looking skin, but that your body and general well-being will be healthier in the effort as well.

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Mark Woodcock is a director of 3 Internet Companies, is a published author and has written many articles on a widespread number of topics. All his articles may be reproduced provided that an active link is included to

Acne's upsetting problems

If you discover that you recently suffer from acne, don’t desperate, there are possible cures for this skin disease. If the cause of acne has been established, a solution is possible.

Anyone with or who has had acne can tell you, how many times a day they've cleaned their faces with anti-bacterial facial wash and still faced new pimples the next day.

The same goes for all the other topical creams for acne available in the market, which kills germs and open up blocked pores. These may provide temporary relief, but you will never experience acne free skin by only focusing on acne from the outside.

The real and main causes of acne are hormone imbalance, water retention and toxins. Let’s talk about hormones. Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the body and circulate in the bloodstream that control numerous body functions including sebum (skin oil) production and regulation. The hormones that are responsible for acne are called androgens. This is because androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands (glands in the skin that secrete oil to the surface of the skin.)

When you have too many androgens in the blood, your sebaceous glands begin to over-produce oil in the skin. You have to be clear that it is not only oil that will cause acne but it’s the initial problem you want to resolve.

The next part of the problem is toxins in the blood and lymph. When your liver and kidneys are not properly cleansing the blood and are overloaded, the liver is unable to properly 'deactivate' used hormones and remove them from the body.

The combination of oil, bacteria and toxins blocks pores generate Acne. Inside the blocked pores also are bacteria which grow in a low-oxygen environment. This bacteria aggravates the skin condition and causes an inflammatory disease, otherwise known as acne.

Hormone imbalance doesn't only cause acne, but can be responsible for many other problems including: allergies, fatigue, headaches, mood swings and insomnia.

For most teenagers, hormone imbalance occurs during puberty when the body is busy producing hormones for growth, maturity and reproduction. In case of adult acne, it predominately arises from the inability of the liver and kidneys to effectively eliminate excess hormones and toxins from the blood.

In order to cure your acne you have to be able to get your hormones into balance by feeding your body the key nutrients that aid hormone regulation in the glands and also strengthen the liver which is the other hormone regulatory system. You have to also apply a topic that trigger the self healing process of your skin, this way you will avoid further blemishes while you are treating the main cause of acne.

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Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal for a healthy skin.

Acne Care - Determine Your Skin Type

People have different type of skins which determines in a big way how acne will affect it and what type of treatment to use on it. Also it will determine what products to use to generally care for the skin.

Some questions have to be asked before seeking treatment. First, how often do you break out? Do you have blackheads? What do your pores look like? After washing with soap, how does your skin look and feel? Do you have facial lines? By asking yourself these questions, you can determine what types of products will work best for you and how your skin might react to them.

The three basic skin types are:dry,oily,normal.One can have either of the three or a combination of them, e.g normal to oily, or normal to dry.Each skin type or combination requires different treatment products.

Now each of this skin types has different types of the following characteristics:texture,oil production and frequency of breakouts.Dry skin usually has the least number of breakouts since it produces little oil.Oil is the one which causes pores to clog resulting in pimples.

Dry skin usually has nearly visible pores and may feel dry and tight after washing.People with this type of skin are usually fair skinned and develop facial lines earlier in life.However this skin type also burns easily.

Normal skin is characterized by occassional breakouts and blackheads in the T-zone.This zone is the area on the forehead and either side of the nose.Pores often appear visible in the t-zone, and the skin may feel tight after washing.The skin is usually fair to medium with facial lines appearing early around the burns when exposed to sun but thereafter tans.

Oily skin suffers the most breakouts with blackheads and due to it's oily nature often appears as shiny after washing.The color is usually olive to dark -what Africans have-and doesn't age as fast as the other skin types.This means that facial lines rarely do occur.On exposure to the sun, it tans easily and rarely burns.

The key to finding the right treatment for your skin is to determine it's type. Each type has specific treatment producsts for it. Once you determine this, you can be on your way to treat the acne in the correct way.

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Gerald Njuguna runs an informational site that features interesting articles on natural homemade acne cures. Visit the site and read more articles here:

A Review of Acne Diets

To suffer from acne? This affliction can be a rather tumultuous one if you don't seek to proper treatment. The way we look, as we all know, has a huge effect on our confidence, or lack there of. So how does your complexion look? You are certainly not alone can happen to have acne, but it isn't the end of the world by any means either. It's time to stand up straight and tall, and take control of your life. With the numerous resources at our beck and call, there's absolutely no reason why we can't push to be acne free. While proper skin care and reliable treatments are essential in eradicating blemishes, a great many individuals overlook the other things. It's not just about what's on an outside ladies and gentlemen. We have to consider what goes on inside us as well. What we're talking about here are acne diets. What are you eating?

You may not even be familiar with the subject of acne diets, it isn't talked about too much. This pertains to what you consume and how it affects your skin. I remember couple years ago sitting in the doctor's office in with my lovely wife is there because she was heading back pain. I had really chapped lips at the time and asked her if she had any Chapstick in her purse. This caught the doctor's attention when she looked at me and said, "You know, the condition of your lips actually relates to your diet." Huh? She told me that eating the right nutrients and drinking the right fluids on a regular basis would fully heal my left and and keep them from becoming chapped. This astounded me.

However, since then I have started to heat and more healthy they can guess what... I rarely have chapped lips anymore. It's bizarre how some things work. I guess those doctors to actually know what they're talking about. Anyhow, this premise also applies to our skin. Did you know that the food you eat excretes back through your pores? Sounds weird doesn't? Well, certain substances from the foods do actually make their way out of our pores. This gives whole new meaning to the phrase, you are what you eat. This is precisely why acne diets are so vitally important for some individuals. Foods high in fat and grease have been proven to cause blemishes. I'm talking about fast foods, specifically.

When it comes to acne diets, foods that are great for your skin include, fruits and vegetables, organic products, non-processed items, and of course water, drink lots of water. I highly recommend that you give acne diets a chance if blemishes are haunting you. You should definitely improve your complexion if you give it a fair shot. For more information on acne diets, jump on the Internet where there's more information than you can handle.

Contributor's Info

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding acne. You can get interesting and informative information here at

How to Treat Baby Acne

Did you know that there is such a thing as baby acne? Actually it is more common than you might think. Many newborns show signs of acne within two weeks of birth. This doesn't mean that your baby will have blemishes forever; it just needs to be recognized and treated.

Baby acne is one of the most difficult forms to understand. Many scientists still do not know the answer to why your newborn gets blemished skin. Some believe that the hormones received by the mother at birth could be the cause of baby acne. Others believe that medications that the mother is taking while breastfeeding might be the reason. Unfortunately there is no right or wrong answer as to what gives your newborn acne, but there are ways to help prevent and treat it.

There may be no clear answer as to why newborn acne develops, but there are a few ways to help relieve this problem. Be sure to use mild detergents that have been washed thoroughly. This is to prevent irritation. A baby's skin is much more sensitive to strong detergents than ours and may cause the acne to worsen or even cause a rash. Be sure to clean any milk or food from your baby's face gently. Just like with adults, baby acne does not get better if you try to scrub it away. A baby is easily scarred from the smaller things, and acne is no exception, so please do not try to scrub your baby's face. These preventative methods are the best acne baby treatment.

Sometimes the best answer for how to treat baby acne is simple...have patience. Many newborns will close their pimples within two weeks, perhaps a little longer. It is vital that you keep you baby's face clean and to not apply moisturizer or any other acne treatment medications that you have used for yourself. These types of medications are much too strong and can cause irritation to an infant's skin.

Many people may be concerned at first sight of the rash-like appearance. You may even be tempted to take your baby to the doctor to find an acne baby treatment. The reality is that there really isn't any medication for blemishes that is safe for using on a baby's delicate skin.

If you have kept your child clean and laundered their clothes and blankets properly and the problem hasn't gotten better, then it may be something else. There are many different types of skin rashes that are more predominant in babies than in adults, which means if it doesn't look like tiny pimples, then it is best to get it checked by a doctor just to be safe.

You may be concerned about how to treat baby acne, but the only medicine is patience and cleanliness. An acne baby treatment more than likely will never be prescribed because as of today, there isn't a market for such medications. Baby acne may be a nuisance, but it will most certainly go away within a few weeks.

Contributor's Info

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Natural Acne Treatment, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Acne Myths: Which Ones Can Really Harm Your Skin and Which Ones Can Help

We all know that acne is a common problem among teenagers, and it’s becoming more and more clear these days that it doesn’t always disappear by the time they reach adulthood. There are considerable problems that can occur with both teen and adult acne, and treatments to counteract both. Recognizing the causes of acne is key to treating it, but knowing what doesn’t cause acne can be equally important. Over the years, many myths have been formed about what causes acne, creating many misconceptions about this condition. This article will cover some of those myths and perceptions, and will dispel some of the misconceptions associated with them.

Over the years, many people have maintained that one’s diet does not affect their chances of getting acne. However, a 2003 study that was published in the December issue of “Archives of Dermatology” indicates the contrary. It shows that the Western diet of fatty foods may be the root cause of 79% to 95% of acne among teens in the U.S. It showed that no acne was found in a group of over 1,200 people between the ages of 15 and 25 on Kitava Island, where the people eat a low fat, high carbohydrate diet of vegetables, roots, and fruits. It is important to have some fat in your diet, but eating a high-fat diet, like many Americans do, can increase oil production, which leads to bacteria-causing acne.

If you think that spending hours in the sun or worse, under a hot tanning light, is going to clear up your skin, think again! The idea that getting a tan can help clear up acne is a myth. Even though a tan might help to cover the redness caused by acne, it won’t actually prevent or heal it. Add to that the cancer risks associated with tanning beds and the sun, the skin damage that can occur, the aging that they can do to your skin, and you’ll see how this can hurt more than it can help.

Another myth about acne is that washing your face excessively will clear up acne. Don’t get me wrong, washing your face is good for your skin, it gets rid of excess dirt and oil and also removes dry skin. But, if you wash your face too many times, you will start removing essential skin oils, irritate your skin, and possibly dry it out. While this won’t create acne, it will keep acne from healing. By not over washing your face, you are allowing the body’s essential oils to work, but you don’t want to stop washing all together, because washing removes dirt and dead skin that can clog pores, which can cause acne.

Another common acne myth is the notion that popping pimples will help them clear up more quickly. While this can make the pimple less noticeable, it can actually make the healing process take longer. This is because popping a pimple can push the pimple’s bacteria deeper into the skin, making the skin around it red and irritated. Devices designed to help pop your pimples, such as blackhead extractors, aren’t safe either, as they result in the formation of scars.

Another myth is you can’t wear makeup or shave if you want to have clear skin. The truth is that most makeup can help cause acne, however, it is okay to use products that are nonacnegenic or noncomedogenic if you have acne, because these won’t clog pores and cause breakouts. Also, some concealers now have salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in them that can work to help fight acne.

These are some of the main acne myths, but, of course, there are many other myths associated with acne and what causes it. It is important to understand the true cause of your acne before you will be able to treat it. For this reason, it is a good idea to consult a dermatologist if you are unsure about possible causes and treatments, or if you feel your skin may require medical attention.

Contributor's Info

Katya Coen provides information on acne treatment for Skin Care 4U - Your guide to having beautiful skin!

Scalp Acne - Symptoms and Treatments

Scalp acne can be a very distressing problem but it is also one that not a lot of people are aware of due to a lack of publicity. Scalp acne is not as common as some of the other types of acne such as facial acne but it is still very distressing for the sufferer. Although it is concealed to a certain extent it can be more obvious when it is at the edge of the hair.

Some types of scalp acne can be quite mild and many people will go to the pharmacist and buy something to use themselves for this. Although it is possible to have a very mild type of scalp acne, there are also more severe types that require treatment on a more professional basis. If you are at all worried about your scalp acne or if it is irritating then it is best to see a dermatologist. They can help you to choose the best way of treating it so that you do not suffer from too much itchiness.

Scalp acne can be just as irritating as any other type of acne to the sufferer and it can easily be made worse by using the wrong type of hair products. It is always best to ask the pharmacies for a recommendation before buying any hair care products if you think that you might have scalp acne. It is important to make sure that the hair is kept clean because too much oil on the scalp can also be bad for this type of acne.

One change that you can make yourself is to make sure that your diet is good. It is best to avoid too many fatty foods because they contain a lot of oil and this is not good for anyone that suffers from acne. You should try to eat a well balanced diet that has enough fresh fruit and vegetables in it and you should also avoid eating too many sugary things and make sure that you drink enough water.

If you think that you might be suffering from scalp acne then it is very important to see your dermatologist or doctor as soon as possible this way they can start to treat the condition before it gets any worse. These conditions are usually best treated as early as possible and if you see your doctor early then they can recommend you to a dermatologist

Contributor's Info

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and information on scalp acne that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Treating Pimples on the Buttocks

One of the more embarrassing though very common places people can get pimples is on the buttocks, especially for men who tend to have more hair in that area and sweat more also. It is also a place where it is quite common for the pimples to persist far beyond puberty and well into adult life.

These pimples can be caused by a wide variety of reasons, from ingrown hairs to infected hair follicles but most commonly it is from sweat and bacteria on the skin causing both sebum blockage and inflammation. Often times the same treatments which work for your facial acne are not as effective in treating pimples on the buttocks or other forms of body acne. Moreover most facial acne treatments are only designed to be used on quite small surface areas such as spots around the face, rather than the buttocks or shoulders where it is also common for men to develop stubborn pimples. Or they are far too expensive and harsh on the skin such as retinoic acid, a prescription treatment for acne.

A good step toward clearing up pimples on the buttocks is to make sure the area stays clean and dry, but well moisturised at the same time. Over washing the skin can dry it out and leave it prone to more inflammation which will in turn cause more break outs. At the very least treatment of buttocks pimples should involve a good anti bacterial soap and a slightly acidic moisturiser.

There are also some companies developing treatments specifically aimed at treating acne which develops in places other than the face such as on the shoulders or back. When deciding on a treatment you should make sure that the product you buy has both anti bacterial and anti inflammatory agents as these are the prime causes of pimples on the buttocks and other such areas. Ideally the treatment would include an antibacterial wash, hopefully containing an anti inflammatory agent such as salicylic acid, and a good non pore clogging acidic moisturiser with anti bacterial properties to keep the skin moist yet free from blockages.

Other things which may help will be to make sure you drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated and supple, and to avoid foods that seem to make your skin more prone to break outs such as most fast foods. Also make sure you clean your sheets regularly as the human body does tend to sweat a reasonable amount at night and this can contribute to the build up of oils and dirt which may lead to blockage of your pores. Also getting a healthy amount of sun can give your skin a far healthier appearance and help to clear up acne, though always remember to apply sun screen.

Up until recently there was not much available on the market for someone trying to treat acne on places such as the buttocks, and they had to make do with treatments made specifically for the face. The good news is that these days there are treatments available specifically aimed at treating acne on the less commonly thought about areas of the body, so you have a great chance of being able to clear up your body acne with little difficulty.

Contributor's Info

John Samuels is an author and journalist on the topic of skin health and nutrition. For more information about treating buttocks pimples please visit

Great Home Remedies for Acne

Acne is a skin condition which mostly affects teenagers, but has also been known to affect people in every age range from childhood to adults. Acne is usually associated with inflamed, red, blotchy skin, pimples and, in severe manifestations, cysts (hence the term cystic acne). It can also consist of clogged pores, both white and black comodomes (also called whiteheads and blackheads). Acne not only affects ones skin, but also affects ones mental outlook on life. Acne is a serious disease or condition and there are some great home remedies you can do to halt or limit its progression.

One obvious rule of thumb that pretty much everyone can agree on (including doctors and dermatologists) is that picking or squeezing pimples and or cysts is not good and can result in permanent scarring. Picking and squeezing acne of any form will damage the skin worse than it already is. Professionals, like dermatologists, may use a lancet to open a cyst or puss filled pimple as this will allow drainage and treatment of the acne causing bacteria. Per Dr. Howard Mann:

Acne is the result of clogged pores, which cause the hair follicles and sebaceous glands to become inflamed and infected. Areas that are particularly susceptible to acne include the chest, back, shoulders, neck, and face.

Pimples and acne should not be picked at or squeezed to minimize the risk of scarring.

One important home remedy is cleanliness and the use of gentle cleansers. Harsh soaps tend to dry out the skin and can actually cause the over production of sebum or oil worsening the condition. What is better is to use a mild cleanser like Cetaphil or its generic equivalents. This will clean your skin and remove excess oil without overdrying your skin. Mild cleansers are also usually hypoallergenic so as to minimize any disturbance to acne inflamed skin. It is also important to make sure all makeup and similar products are removed before bedtime.

Proper hydration is also a key home remedy for acne. If your skin is not properly hydrated it can not properly cleanse itself or exfoliate properly and could end up in clogging the pores. Clogged pores are the leading factor in acne and proper hydration will minimize this. It is advised to drink atleast 6 to 10 glasses of water per day. Proper hydration will also improve your skins health and its ability to fight or ward off infection.

Another popular at home remedy that has only recently been made available is skin peels for increased skin exfoliation and treatment of acne bacteria. Stronger skin peels, like TCA peels (trichloroacetic acid) remove acne bacteria from deep inside the pores and return the skin to its natural pH or acidity level. They will increase exfoliation and, basically, make your skin an environment that is non conducive to acne bacteria. TCA peels have actually been found in studies to be as effective as Accutane, the strongest acne medicine available, without any of the horrible side effects. Doctors and dermatologists have been using TCA peels, like the infamous Obagi Blue Peel by Dr. Obagi, to treat and heal acne prone skin and resultant scarring.

Contributor's Info

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research, clynical analysis and skin care. For more information on TCA peels for in home use and other great anti-acne products and ideas please visit

Adult Acne: Simple Steps for Treatment

Just because you never experienced acne during your youth, doesn’t mean you won’t have to face it as an adult. Research shows one out of four adult men and one out of two adult women will experience some type of acne in their adult life.

No one seems to agree on what causes acne in adults, but one thing is clear. Acne is always associated with hormones. These hormones are essential to the development of the oil glands of your skin. Children don’t experience acne, because their hormones aren’t mature.

Any time your hormones become unbalanced, you run the risk of an acne breakout. Researchers agree that acne is caused by androgens. These are male hormones found in both men and women. These hormones create excess oil. In turn, this excess oil can clog the hair follicles and allow bacteria to grow. When this occurs, acne pimples and blemishes appear.

Women generally experience hormonal acne because of the normal female cycles like menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. This is why some types of birth control pills help control acne by keeping the androgens balanced. However, consult your doctor before considering this treatment. Every one is different. All treatments do not produce the same results for different people.

Many adults have experienced success in clearing their acne by using a simple three-step regimen.

Benzoyl Peroxide Kills Acne Bacteria
First, get a 2.5% solution of benzoyl peroxide. Apply this to a small part on your skin to test your skin’s reaction. Although most people have no problems with benzoyl peroxide, some do. Once you know it’s ok, gently apply this to your affected skin.

Avoid Irritating Your Skin
Always be gentle when working with your skin. Irritation only increases your acne problems. Avoid harsh scrubbing, picking or pinching your pimples, etc. If you skin is already irritated, take a few days and let it settle down.

Use a Gentle Skin Cleanser
Wash your face and acne affected skin with a gentle cleanser. Avoid using regular bath soap or cleansers that overly dry your skin.

Finally, use a gentle moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out and to minimize irritation. With a little consistency and time, many adults can clear their adult acne following this simple treatment.

Contributor's Info

Larry Andrew is the author and publisher of the Acne Skin Care Information Center at It is your one stop resource for the best acne skin care information and treatments.

The 5 Best Acne Scar Treatments

A lot of us have suffered from acne at some point in our life. Most of us had acne problems during the dreadful adolescent years. When I was growing up there was not a lot of information about acne prevention or treatments. Consequently, my acne solution was popping the pimple or blemish and then rubbing alcohol on it as a topical treatment. These are the two worst things I could have done. As a result, I have some acne scars.

Fortunately, there are some wonderful acne scar treatments on the market today. Not all acne scar treatments are the same. You should discuss with your dermatologist the cost of the different procedures and which treatment works best for the type of acne scars you have. Here is a brief description of the 5 best ways to treat acne scars.

1. Dermabrasion- Many believe that this is the best acne scar treatments available on the market. Dermabrasion is the procedure whereby an electrical brush or fraise is used to remove the outer layer of the skin, thereby removing the dead skin and revealing new skin layers. After this procedure the skin will feel smooth.

2. Collagen Injection- Collagen injections involve the procedure whereby collagen is injected into the skin. This procedure fills in certain types of acne scars. This procedure may have to be repeated every 3 to 6 months.

3. Acne Laser Treatment- Laser treatment is another form of acne scar treatment. Laser treatment is a procedure whereby lasers are used to burn away the skins surface that is damaged. What is great about this procedure is that only one treatment may be need to accomplish lasting results.

4. Autologous Fat Transfer- This is an acne scar treatment whereby fat is transferred from one part of the body and used for injection into the damaged area of the skin. The transferred fat is injected under the skins service to even out depressed scars. This procedure may have to be repeated after 6 to 18 months because the skin absorbs the transferred fat.

5. Microdermabrasion- This acne removal procedure uses aluminum oxide crystals that go through a vacuum tube that removes the outer surface of skin. This procedure may have to be repeated multiple times.

If you suffer from acne scar, then you should consider one of the aforementioned acne scar treatments. You can finally erase the scars of the past.

Contributor's Info

Deborah Gregory is a successul webmaster and publisher of She provides more acne scar treatment solutions and acne prevention information at her website.

The Types and Causes of Acne

Acne is a skin disorder occurring mainly in association with the hormonal changes of adolescence, although women may experience it for the first time when they are in their 20s or 30s. The increased amounts of androgen produced by both the male and female sex glands stimulate the sebaceous (oil) glands of the hair follicles to produce an increased amount of the fatty substance called sebum that is normally discharged through the pores to lubricate the skin. The overproduction of sebum results in oily skin.

The characteristic pimples, pustules, and blackheads of acne are formed when the pores become plugged by the sebum that has backed up, mixed with skin pigments, and leaked into surrounding areas.

Acne is not caused by junk food or faulty hygiene. The chief cause is the onset of puberty combined with the hereditary factors that control the oiliness of the skin. Mild cases usually clear up by themselves, especially when the affected areas are kept free of oily cosmetics by regular cleansing. Nonprescription products containing benzoyl peroxide are helpful. For more stubborn cases, vitamin A acid cream (Retin-A), sun lamp treatments, and tetracycline pills may be beneficial.

Unfortunately, long-term acne may leave scars and blemishes. In this case, a dermatologist can be consulted about the removal of them by dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is the removal of the outer layers of the skin.

Scars caused by acne can be improved by beveling the edges if they are not the deep-pitted "ice pick" type, although the abrasion may have to be repeated several times to achieve a skin surface that approaches normal in appearance. It is not always possible to estimate the depth of the scars, and therefore the results are not usually predictable. Dermabrasion can also be done to smooth fine wrinkles, especially of the upper lip. Because elevated levels of estrogen affect the pigmentation of the skin, the procedure should not be done on a woman who takes estrogen as replacement therapy or as a contraceptive.

The procedure can be done under local anesthesia or by topical refrigeration ( spraying on a solution that freezes the skin surface), but because dermabrasion takes a long time, many patients elect to have general or supplementary intravenous anesthesia. Most surgeons prefer to work on the entire face in order to blend margins at the hairline and beneath the jaw line. If spotty areas are done, blotches of depigmented skin may result. Sandpaper or a rotary diamond fraise or a rotary wire brush may be used.

If the skin is properly dressed with Vaseline gauze topped by dry gauze, there is no pain and no crusting. After the dressings are removed, redness may be present for six or more weeks. It is absolutely essential that for six weeks the patient totally avoid exposure to the sun by wearing a large-brimmed hat and using sun block. If the face is exposed to early, spotty pigmentation may appear. In general, treated skin is lighter than it was before surgery. If for some reason the skin has brown pigmentation, a local medication can be used. Sometimes there is a formation of milia (white papules caused by the retention of sebum). This can largely be prevented by cleansing the face with fine soap granules.

Contributor's Info

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

Acne Scar Treatment Options

Having acne is not the only problem that is causing major skin conditions to teens and adults alike. Scarring of the acne can also be a serious problem. When this happens, you need some effective and affordable acne scar treatment.

Scars from acne can have a serious effect on a person's self-esteem and emotional state. Fortunately there have been advances in the treatment of acne-related scarring in recent years. However, it is important to note that nothing will completely heal most scars.

Laser Therapy - Using lasers for acne scar treatment is a relatively new technology, but is one of the most effective options for severe cases. The lasers remove the scarred skin, and encourage growth of new skin in its place. After treatment, the skin will be pink and swollen for a week or so. Laser scar treatment can be expensive, but may be appropriate for severe cases.

Surgical Therapy - This form of acne scar treatment uses a motorized blade, which usually contains diamond particles. Diamonds are extremely strong abrasives when in a powder-form. A scab will form once the procedure is completed. Once it is healed, a smoother pink layer of new skin is underneath. Multiple treatments are often necessary, and each one can cost $1500.

Creams and Gels - There are many topical treatments that claim to reduce the appearance of scars. Many contain Vitamin E and other nutrients. Results with topical ointments like this will vary from person to person.

Collagen Injection - This is a temporary fix, where the patient's own body fat or collagen is injected into the scar site. This works well for some people with deep scars. The material injected serves to raise the skin, and reduce the scar’s appearance, and wrinkling from the scar. However, this procedure needs to be repeated every 6 months and can be expensive.

Lack of hormones during later years and especially for women, can play a role in acne scar treatment and prevention.

One recent study showed that about 50 percent of women have acne, referred to as hormonal acne, problems during the week before their menstruation. Treatment options can include topical retinoids, oral antibiotics and Benzoyl Peroxide for the teen years.

Leading into adult years, some acne scar treatment includes oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills and hormonal replacement therapy for women, combined with systemic or topical treatments, prescription or over-the-counter products and medications, as well as antibiotics for both sexes.

A healthy skin regimen should include no harsh scrubbing or over-washing; because this can cause possible skin irritation or over production of oil in response to skin’s dehydration.

Products with gentle exfoliation ingredients are also good acne scar treatment.

Skip alcohol products, as they can take off the top layer of your skin and cause your glands to product more oil and clog pores in the process.

If you do spot acne-troubled areas, use special care. Remember that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing or picking blemishes can force the infected area to regress back inside, further troubling the region and possibly leave a scar.

If necessary, seek help from a dermatologist for alternative acne scar treatments.

Acne scars can cause further infection because the skin is open for bacteria. It is best to avoid developing acne scars by proper skin handling or if you already have them, consider an effective acne scar treatment.

Contributor's Info

For more information on acne rosacea and other acne scar care resources visit our acne site!

Acne Products: What to Look for and What to Avoid

There are a number of different products out there that can help to clear up acne, including everything from holistic remedies to soaps to prescription medications. With all of the choices, choosing the right acne products can be confusing. To help you out, here are some tips on what to look for and what to avoid.

Hygiene Products and Acne

There are many products on the market available to treat acne, some of which are common to personal hygiene. The most common of these is something everyone has in his or her bathroom cabinet - soap. While many kinds of soaps (especially those that are scented) can irritate skin afflicted by acne, many hygiene products have been put on the market that are helpful in combating acne, and are economical as well.

Soaps that also double as skin care products typically come in two basic forms: bar and liquid. When shopping for soap to help improve your skin, look to items that are labeled as facial soaps, facial soaps and cleansers are typically products that are designed to treat problem skin. They contain products that promote healing and prevention.

Acne cleansers are generally used to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat from the surface of the skin. When this happens, it makes absorption of topical acne treatment easier. (Topical products are those applied to the surface of the skin to combat acne.) Excessive cleansing with such products can dry and irritate the skin, making the acne worse, so it is advised to only cleanse with these products once or twice a day.

There are different cleansers for different skin types. People with oily skin should use cleansers that rinse off well. This is so the excess oil will be properly removed, leaving the skin smooth. Both bar soaps and liquid cleansers have been specially formulated for this purpose.

For dry skin, look for products that are hard-milled as well as for gentle cleansers. If you decide to use synthetic products with your dry skin, you might want to avoid using them regularly, since they are sometimes stronger than other natural products.

If you have sensitive skin, you are more prone to react to fragrant products, and those products containing grains or scrubbing agents. Stay away from the use of such products. Instead, use gentle cleansers and be careful how hard you wash. Wipe, do not scrub when removing dirt and oil from your skin.

There are many gentle cleansers available today for skin that is easily irritated or aggravated. There are also several types of over-the-counter acne cleansers that work great for daily skin care. Look for oil-free and noncometigenic products for use on a daily basis, because generally these do not clog pores.

If you wear makeup, you might even be able to find some that can help clear up your skin. While most makeup is likely to cause breakouts, there are also cosmetics that have been developed to heal acne and to provide daily prevention. Like many cleansers, many of these are oil-free and some also contain a small amount of acne medication.

No matter what type of cleanser you choose, whether it be soap or a special cleanser especially developed to help combat acne, be careful how you use it. Follow the directions, and be sure not to over wash.

Products To Avoid if You Have Acne

There are many different over-the-counter products available for treating and helping to prevent acne. Some are developed specifically for this purpose, and contain acne medications and substances designed to unclog pores and reduce the chances of acne from developing. Others are simply cleansers, designed to do nothing more than cleanse the skin and remove excess oils and dirt, which does help to control breakouts. The thing is, some of these products help clear up acne, while some can actually worsen it.

So which products are helpful, and which could actually be harmful to your skin? Soap is one of the most basic products used to cleanse the skin, and for some people is okay to use on acne-afflicted areas. As we mentioned above, depending on one’s skin type, skin sensitivity, and actual acne condition, some soap can actually aggravate these areas. That is why it is important to use a cleanser that will work best with these factors. This will help you avoid further irritation to the skin and will promote faster healing. If you have sensitive skin, stay away from scented soaps, as the fragrances in them can cause breakouts. If your skin is oily, use soaps that are virtually oil-free, as products containing a substantial amount of oil will add oil to your skin, causing the pores to become clogged and subsequent breakouts to occur.

Cosmetics can also irritate and promote acne. Certain cosmetic products contain chemicals that while on the skin, clog the pores and irritate the skin, causing breakouts. If you are suffering more breakouts than normal, or if you feel something is irritating your skin, you may want to find out what is in your makeup that might be causing this to occur.

Instead, use cosmetics that are non-cometigenic, meaning they won’t clog your pores. If a product irritates your skin, stop using it and find one that doesn’t. Product containers now contain information about what is in the product, and what it should be used for, and often times, what skin types it works best on. You can gain information by reading these labels.

Be sure to choose your acne products carefully. You might even try sticking to one brand for your daily regimen, as this will help you be consistent. Often times, a specific line of products is engineered to work together, and will promote healing and prevention in the same way.

Stay away from harsh products that can irritate your skin, and change products if what you are using is not working for you. Consult a physician if use of over-the-counter hygiene products isn’t doing the trick.

Contributor's Info

Katya Coen provides information on skin care and acne treatment for Skin Care 4U, where you can read the full article on acne products and find unique recipes for homemade skin care products as well as a wealth of information.

Acne Home Treatment: Simple and Effective

Many people prefer to treat acne in the privacy of their own home. This can be good for at least two reasons. First, an acne home treatment is more likely to consist of natural skin products. Natural acne skin care products have less side affects and tend to produce better long-term results. Second, treating acne with the harsh chemicals contained in many commercial products only irritates the skin and reduces the likelihood of clearing your acne condition.

Follow a Good Skin Care Routine
The best home treatments for acne always consist of a good skin care regimen. This includes gently washing your face in warm water with a gentle skin cleanser at least twice daily. Avoid harsh soaps. If you use soap, use a product like Ivory, which is gentle on the skin.

Avoid irritating your skin. Don't scrub it hard with a washrag. Avoid picking or pinching pimples. Avoid any products that tend to overly dry the skin. All this will do is continue to keep your skin in a state of irritation. When your skin is irritated, it will not heal properly and acne breakouts will continue to occur.

Your Diet and Acne
What you eat and drink can significantly affect your acne condition. Most people do not drink enough water. Their body and skin are dehydrated and they don't know it. You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin healthy and strong.

You should also eat a low fat diet, which includes lots of vegetables and fruit. Avoid eating junk food, chocolate and carbonated drinks. These are frequently associated with acne. If you have an outbreak of acne, you should try to determine if it was something you ate. Poor quality food or allergic reactions to certain foods can cause acne breakouts.

Many people also take vitamin supplements to enhance their healthy eating style. For example, vitamins, A, C, B6, B-complex and E are all good for your skin.

Exercise and Acne
There are two primary benefits for a regular exercise routine. First, it helps reduce stress. Stress is frequently associated with acne breakout. A healthy strong body is better prepared to fight off infections that could cause acne.

Second, the normal process of sweating helps eliminate toxins from your body. These toxins can cause acne breakouts. Ideally, you should work out for 20-30 minutes at least three to four days a week for maximum benefit.

Consistently Use a Gentle Moisturizer on Your Skin
Get in the habit of using a gentle oil free moisturizer on your skin. This will soothe your skin keep it softer and healthier.

A good acne home treatment routine that focuses on natural acne treatments can be much more effective and less costly than many commercial acne products.

Contributor's Info

Larry Andrew is the author and publisher of the Treat Acne Resources website at It is your one stop resource for the best acne products and treatments.

Ten Ways to Improve Acne Skin Care Treatment

A good acne skin care routine is essential to preventing and controlling acne. Although there are many things you can do to treat acne, we will discuss ten ways to improve your acne skin care treatment.

1. Avoid Irritating the Skin

Many people believe that if they pinch a pimple it will go away. That is not true. Pinching, picking or squeezing only irritates the skin and eventually results in scarring. Your skin needs to be free from irritation for a few days before any effective acne treatment can be implemented.

2. Avoid Scrubbing Your Skin Hard

Some people believe that scrubbing their skin will reduce the excess oil levels in their skin glands. This in turn will prevent acne outbreaks. The truth is scrubbing your skin will only make your acne condition worse. It will irritate the skin.

If you have extra oily skin, you should regularly shampoo your hair as part of your acne skin care routine.

3. Avoid Using Strong Soaps

Strong soaps overly dry the skin. If you want to use soap, use a gentle soap such as Ivory. It is a good idea to use a gentle cleanser to wash your skin at least twice a day.

4. Avoid Electric Razors

In most cases, an electric razor will irritate the skin more than a normal razor. If you experiment with an electric razor, watch closely to see the extent to which it irritates your skin. Always use a sharp blade and moisten your skin thoroughly before applying shaving cream. In order to reduce nicking your skin and irritating it, change the blade at least weekly.

5. Avoid Excess Time in the Sun

Sun causes serious damage to the skin. Although a suntan can temporarily mask acne blemishes, the long-term result is increased skin damage and wrinkles. The sun also causes skin cancer. You don't want to have to deal with that on top of an acne skin condition.

If you are outdoors, use a suntan lotion. Keep in mind that many medications used to treat acne increase the probability of sunburn.

6. Avoid Oil Based Cosmetics

Many cosmetic products contain chemicals and oils that aggravate your acne condition. You should use oil free cosmetic products for your make up. When first beginning an acne skin care regimen, you may find it difficult to use cosmetics because they do not apply smoothly on the skin.

7. Watch Your Diet

What you eat and drink has a major impact on your acne condition. Many people are dehydrated and don't even know it. You should drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

You should avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks. These are not digested well by the body and end up being eliminated as toxins through your skin. The result is an acne breakout.

A low fat diet supplemented with vitamins can make a huge impact (for good) on your skin. Many people, especially teenagers, think they can eat whatever they want and then just apply more acne product. This becomes a vicious cycle and produces serious long-term skin problems. It is easier to learn to eat right and avoid acne breakouts. A good vitamin supplement, which contains vitamins A, C B-complex and E are nutritious to your skin.

8. Use a Good Moisturizer

Part of a good acne skin care treatment is the consistent use of a good gentle skin moisturizer. Keeping the skin soft and moisturized is critical to healthy skin. It reduces irritation and improves the appearance of your skin.

9. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is important in reducing your acne skin condition. Regular exercise reduces stress. Stress is often linked to acne skin conditions. The healthier your body is the more likely you are to fight off infections that cause acne breakouts.

When you exercise at least thirty minutes a day, you sweat. Sweating is the body's way of eliminating toxins. Toxins can cause acne breakout. You should exercise minimally three times a week for thirty minutes.

10. Use Natural Acne Treatments Whenever Possible

When possible, use natural acne treatments. They generally have fewer side affects and tend to promote lasting success in overcoming acne. Natural treatments don't use harsh chemicals or procedures that irritate and damage the skin. You can usually purchase over-the-counter acne products. They are cheaper and often much more effective.

Now, it's up to you to develop a good acne care treatment routine that works best for you. Be consistent in following your plan to be acne free.

Contributor's Info

Larry Andrew is the author and publisher of the Treat Acne Resources website at It is your one stop resource for the best acne products and treatments.

Tween and Teen Acne Care

There is a new group out there with their own lifestyles, their own stores, their own fashions, their own entertainers, their own TV shows, their own magazines. They even have their own attitudes. Who are these people whose spending power is expected to reach over $40 billion by 2006?

They are known as Tweens, that group who are no longer kids, but not yet teens. Unbelievable as this may be to many adults, the Tween years can begin as early as eight, although the younger segment is usually positioned as between 10 and 12 years-old and the older group between 13 and 15 years-old.

Tweens are extremely vulnerable and sensitive. They way they look is critical to them, even more than their teen counterparts. They want to be like teens in some ways, but not in others. For example, they may aspire to the teen lifestyle, but they certainly don’t want the skin problems that teens are prone to. What can they do about it? Well, they clearly don’t have any control over the dramatic hormonal changes that are taking or going to take place as they make the transition. And chances are, they won't be able to stop the onset of acne. But they can absolutely learn some important facts in advance and develop some good habits which can lessen acne’s effects and prevent other skin problems. Here’s what they should know:

Teenage skin is usually beset by blotches and pimples that normally disappear in when they become adults. But until that time these eruptions cause tremendous social discomfort and affect self-confidence. Teen magazines are filled with confused letters and columns of advice. Parents frequently try to be consoling, but they do it in the wrong way. “You're beautiful to me” isn’t helpful. Neither is telling them that their bodies are changing and they have little control over that, or that they are not the only ones facing this distress.

Acne has a demoralizing effect on a person and, if neglected, can cause pits and scars (physiological and psychological) that will not be outgrown. Although there is no surefire way to prevent acne, there are several ways to help reduce the number and severity of breakouts.


Attack the acne at the onset - In the very first stage of acne (blackheads, bumps, redness...) Wash your face two-three times a day with a gentle, specially formulated cleanser to remove dead skin cells, excess oil, dirt and make-up from your skin's surface. But don’t scrub or overwash; dry skin becomes irritated. Specially formulated medications (both prescribed and over-the-counter) will probably help your skin but, as in washing, because you use more medication doesn’t mean you'll get swifter results. Consult with a dermatologist. Change your linens on a regular basis. Although sugary and high-fat foods don’t seem to be related to acne, it is still a good idea to eat fruits, vegetables and grains. The skin is part of the body, after all. And drink a lot of water. Use mild or 'dermatologically tested' skincare products. Moisturize your skin on a daily basis.


Never pop your pimples or zits: you are increasing the chances for infection and scarring. Getting a tan does not clear up acne. Actually, the drying power of the sun can lead to irritation. Your skin should always be protected by a high SPF non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) sunscreen. And stay away from tanning beds! Pharmaskincare® Advanced Science€® acne products attack acne on many levels. The primary concern is to treat those blemishes that have appeared on the skin. Then, it is equally important to prevent the recurrence of acne. Each of the products has been formulated to open clogged pores, destroy acne causing bacteria and relieve inflammation. The end result will be skin that is dramatically clearer and -- with proper follow through -- less prone to future attacks. This combination of products will help Tweens avoid many of the hazards that too often emerge in teenage skin. i.e. oily skin, dry patches, acne.

One way of maintaining an emotional bond with your Tweens would be by discussing the oncoming skin care problems before they occur and setting up some good skin care habits in advance. That way the parents can become the ones to turn to for solace and understanding. After all, most parents have gone through it all when they were teens – of course, that was in the days before the Tween emerged as the new and complex demographic.

Contributor's Info

Rina Revivo

How I Eliminated My Pizza Face Acne

As a boy, a friend’s older brother had severe acne. At seventeen his face looked like the surface of the moon, and now years later when I meet him, his face still shows the scars from his teenage years. I never spoke to him about it, but it must have been a very traumatic time for him.

Apart from his pronounced face, acne never entered my consciousness until a few years later when I just turned fourteen and my face broke out in spots. Immediately the image of my friend’s brother fixed itself in my mind. That’s how I imagined I would be for the rest of my life.

Oh boy, was I upset! It consumed every waking moment. The fear, the dread, the feeling of being a social outcast, of what people would be saying behind my back. Who would want to talk to a “Pizza Face”?

Every time I passed a mirror, I’d glance in and turn away in embarrassment at what I saw. In my bedroom I’d spend hours in front of the mirror, trying to figure out if any of the spots were diminishing, even getting out a ruler and measuring the spots in millimetres. Fighting the almost uncontrollable urge to squeeze the spots to help them on their way, regardless of the fact that I knew that would only make them worse.

I’d also just started noticing girls, and one in particular. But my self-doubt wouldn’t let me make any approach. I tried a cleanser but it made my skin red and dry. It started to peel and even made the smooth parts of my face look puffy and irritated.

Now, when the promised cure – the cleanser – had an adverse effect, I was totally desolate. I felt I’d be in this ‘prison’ for the rest of my life, isolated by my own imagined ugliness.

My mother could see the change in me and took me to a dermatologist. I thought he would have spent more time examining me, but no, he just took a quick look and prescribed a cream. It had a marginal effect for a few days and then it was back to square one.

Incidentally, now that I know a bit more about treating patients, I believe if that dermatologist had spent a few moments making a fuss of examining me, explained acne to me, that it was very common in teenagers, and at least given me some hope that it would recede in time, it would have improved my self-confidence enormously and made me feel a lot better about myself.

Shortly afterwards I made friends with a new boy in school. Turns out his mother was a nutritionist and had dealt with and overcome her own acne in her teenage years. She explained to me the importance of diet and asked me in detail what I ate. She made a list on “no-no’s” and “yes’yes’s”. The “no’s” meant I’d have to eliminate all greasy foods and oily foods from my diet, along with soda. The “yeses” meant eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Now, you must understand that I’d never had anyone speak to me like that before. But she encouraged me, and even phoned my mom to explain what she’d suggested.

I agreed to try it. What could I lose? Well, after three weeks there was a marked improvement and after eight weeks it was hardly noticeable at all. A couple of months after that and it cleared up completely.

That was such a relief that two this day, I always make sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit.

So, will this work for everybody? I don’t know. But it is an easy and cheap way to start and you will, at least be the healthier for it.

Contributor's Info

Ivan Maxwell speaks and writes in the areas of health and well-being. Discover more about getting rid of all kinds of acne by visiting

Acne Home Remedies

Health and wellbeing do not depend on the pharmaceutical corporations, and the bothersome issue of acne and its treatment are no different. Not surprisingly, acne home remedies are actually much more effective for all types of people than chemical-laden pharmaceutical 'remedies'. As with many commercially prepared medicines, most acne treatments at the store treat only the outermost symptoms, leaving the underlying imbalance to effect more acne breakouts in the future.

Just like light bulbs and house building materials, commercial acne medicines are geared for a disposable culture. "Why treat acne", the bigwig pharmaceutical companies ponder, "when we can secure lifelong customers with an acne product that will proffer enough promising results that they'll keep buying the stuff their entire lives?"

If that sounds far fetched to you, consider the fact that ever since the modern light bulb has been around we've been able to make them to last several years, but decided that more money can be made off of disposable bulbs that only last a couple of months. And humans have been building living structures that last hundreds and hundreds of years, but only more recently has consumer culture decided that disposable housing materials are preferable.

Not only are all of these products parts of an unsustainable system that cannot replenish the world and the resources used, but they have the same unsustainable effects upon our own individual systems. When we treat symptoms instead of taking the time to determine the underlying imbalance or deficiency, not only can we not expect the problem to go away for very long, but we run the risk of exacerbating the issue.

With acne, the underlying cause is typically associated with bacteria that become trapped in the skin's pores. Naturally, one of the primary parts of an acne home remedy, or any type, is to effectively cleanse the area in order to remove the bacteria before an acne breakout can occur.

The problem with most commercial acne remedies is that they dry the skin to a degree that sebaceous glands produce even more oil in which the bacteria can grow. It's not that the oil is bad, per se, simply that bacteria can breed in areas where oil is allowed to build up and remain trapped below the surface of the skin.

One can combine cleansing and light exfoliation to get underneath the layer of dead surface skin cells simply using an exfoliating cleanser. Now, these types of cleansers are available commercially as well. Though some are almost natural, nearly all of them have alcohol and other unnecessary components. Borax, on the other hand, is an extremely gentle soap in granular form that can be used to exfoliate and cleanse the skin simultaneously.

Contributor's Info

Stella served as an assistant at a beauty clinic for 5 years before leaving to pursue a career as a beautician. She now owns a beauty salon where she has a monthly clinic on acne treatment. Please visit for more information on best acne treatments.

Acne Problem is Eliminated with Skin Care Tips

The years of adolescence and young adulthood are characterized by various upheaval and changes in their appearances. This is a type of challenge. How one meets the challenge of these years profoundly determine his or her future. Learning the skills needed to handle appearance problems will give them a foundation of a confident mental and a better personality.

One such problem that most young teen’s experiences during puberty is the problem of Acne. If this is not treated properly, it sites serious impact on one’s personality in the future. It’s a common disease but its effects can be painful and embarrassing for a person.

Dealing with Acne requires how properly you treat your skin. A proper skin care can help to keep Acne problem away from getting worse and even alleviate it. Hence it is important to gain knowledge on some skin care tips that can be practiced in home itself.

As a part of an Acne skin care routine, it is necessary to remember not to touch the affected skin areas. Squeezing or touching the Acne causes serious infection resulting in scars and blemish. Also avoid the sunrays when possible and instead apply a sunscreen when going out in order to avoid Ultra violet rays of the sun. Clinically, it has been found that ultraviolet rays aggravate the Acne problem and the fading effect of Acne may be visible again.

It is important to gently rinse the skin with cold water as many times as you can, preferably with a mild cleanser. Avoid scrubbing your skin with a hard pad or a detergent based shop, for this will make the skin problem worse.

Moreover, you should also take utmost care while using any cosmetics. It is always advisable to use an oil- free product and the product that is non-comedogenic, that which doesn’t clog the pores. As for men who shave, it is important to shave very carefully in order to avoid cutting or nicking the Acne.

One should understand the fact that there is no overnight cure for Acne. But, if these steps are practiced for Acne, the pain and embarrassment of the problem can be stopped and over time get eliminated completely.

Contributor's Info

Adam Frazer writes on beauty and health. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for OnlineSkinCareTips. To learn more about Skin care tips, natural skin care tips, Acne problem, Sunburn Treatment, Anti aging effort visit

How Long Does It Really Take For An Acne Remedy To Work?

To wake up and find a huge pimple on his or her nose or in another very prominent spot is every teenager’s worst nightmare. For them it is the absolute end of the world and they couldn’t imagine a worse thing.

Unfortunately for them it could get a whole lot worse. One word is guaranteed to send shivers down every teenagers back: Acne.

For any teenager who suffers from severe acne, the condition can be even more devastating that an occasional pimple. Severe acne, we are talking about the kind bad enough for a person to seek out medical advice, is reported to strike about 40 percent of the population. Teenage boys tend to get severe acne much more than girls, but the condition is equally damaging to both and can cause both psychological and physical scars.

Acne is a particularly cruel condition that attacks its victims on 3 different levels:

1) It makes them feel awkward and self-conscious as the breakouts occur.

2) It can make them the centre of jesting, joking and ridicule from their peers.

3) It can leave scars that will act as a permanent reminder for the rest of their lives of the condition that embarrassed and humiliated them years in the past. These can have a deep psychological effect on the sufferer even in adulthood.

Avoiding the effects of acne isn’t always possible, but there are definitely things that can help. For the average acne sufferer simple over the counter medications are all that’s needed to do the trick, but even then, trying to figure out which one and how long to try it for can be a chore in itself.

If you are a teenager or the parent of a distressed teenager who is facing acne for the first time or are just facing their first breakout that’s bad enough to warrant medicine, there are a few rules to help making choosing an over the counter acne remedy:

Here’s what to do:

· The first thing that you need to do is pick a medicine. Whether the treatment is a cream, gel or pad, you must go with the one that has the least amount of medicine first. If benzoyl peroxide is the chosen medication, pick one that has a concentration of about 2.5 percent. Don’t choose one over that limit. As long as the medication doesn’t cause severe drying or irritation, keep using it for about two months.

· Next, when two months have passed, examine the situation. If the medication seems to have worked, keep using it. If not, try a higher dose. Two months may seem like a long time but this will give the treatment a real chance to do it’s stuff.

· Rinse and repeat.

· If the over the counter remedies, even at higher doses, show no signs of working, it’s probably time to enlist professional help. Going to a doctor for acne is a sensible thing to do if all else is failing. The doctor will be familiar with all of the current drugs available for severe acne sufferers and will prescribe one to suit you. Don’t panic. In the majority of cases your acne will clear with over the counter products.

Remember, if everything you’ve tried hasn’t worked, a doctor might have the solution. Treating acne is highly personalized and not all medicines will work for every person all of the time. What a doctor can offer may take time to work. Your doctor will be able to monitor your condition and adjust the medication to suit you.

Contributor's Info

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne cleaning solutions, remedies and answers to the question how long does it really take for an acne remedy to work, that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Acne Chemicals Peels: Decide if they are Right for You

Teenagers and adults alike suffer from acne. This is a common skin problem where pimples cause the skin to break out. Blackheads and whiteheads on the face are also considered as acne, as well as the deep lumps or nodules that affect the skin.

The area that is most commonly affected by acne is the face. However, it can also be found on other parts of the body, like the back, chest, neck, shoulders and the upper arms.

Being a common skin condition, there are several over-the-counter products that you can use to help prevent acne. The problem, however, is they do not always work.

Depending on a person’s skin type, being affected by acne might be a more serious problem, and the pimples, if not properly treated, could cause a permanent scar.

Aside from the physical scars that could be left by acne, it can also cause you an emotional scar if you do not get proper treatment. Having acne decreases one’s morale and self-confidence. Society’s obsession with beauty might cause you to treat acne like a rare disease, instead of it being a treatable and normal skin condition.

Having clear and acne-free skin is one that we all strive for. Fortunately, there are hundreds of ways to get rid of acne. Aside from the bottled formula promising to give you that flawless look, there are also some medical treatments that you can undergo to help prevent acne.

‘Acne Chemical Peels 101’

Plastic surgery and face lift are just some of the remedies available to restore your youthful look.

If you do not want to be ‘under the knife’ and you prefer a much kinder treatment to enhance your beauty, one option is to have a chemical peel.

Chemical peels remove the outer layer of the skin where the damaged outer skin layers lie. This damage to the outer skin layer can be caused by exposure to sun and dirt, as well as applying cosmetics on the face.

Here, a chemical solution is applied on the affected area to literally ‘peel off’ the outer skin layer. Thus, a whole new layer of skin comes out which gives you that rosy look and youthful glow.

Basically, there are three types of chemical peel.

First is the mild peel which only removes the very first layer of the skin. This is the type of chemical peel that can be used to treat acne. It also helps get rid of old pimple scars and basically evens out the skin.

The second type is the medium peel which goes a little deeper than the mild peel. The treatment will cause redness and chafing immediately after the procedure. The result is a younger look because it helps remove wrinkles and evens out your skin pigmentation.

Finally, there is the deep chemical peel which is rarely used because it removes several skin layers. Consult a dermatologist before considering to undergo this treatment.

All in all, chemical peels are a great way to get rid of acne. This is an inexpensive, yet effective and simple procedure to finally remove those acne scars and have a clear, beautiful skin that you can be proud of.

Contributor's Info

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Skin Care. For more information regarding Acne Chemical Peels please drop by at

Natural Treatments To Unblock Skin Pores In Acne

There are different types of acne that occur on the body, and not just on the face, which is the most common. Acne, commonly known as pimples, zits, whiteheads, or blackheads, start to form in hair follicles or pores when the oil or sebum is trapped beneath the skin surface causing bacteria to form.

Acne can be mild or severe, which is called acne vulgaris, and can cause disfiguration and severe scarring. It’s important to keep hands off, and if you must, wash the area and your hands first. If you are successful in expelling any of the gooey ingredients, be careful not to spread it to surrounding areas where it can cause another eruption.

If you must pop spots, you should wash your face with warm water and cleanser and remove all makeup, and of course, wash your hands too! There are many different acne treatments.

There are several types of treatments for blemishes. For example, bring some milk to a gentle boil, and then add the juice from one lime, and you can wash your face. Let it cool a little, and if it feels too hot don’t use it. Another type of acne natural cure is to use an astringent for a deep cleaning of your pores.

Or boil some leafy mango in some water, and then rub it after it cools on your face. Leave the mango to soak overnight. It is a acne natural cure that will clean your pores thoroughly.

Alternatively you can use the papaya fruit on your face, but it needs to be raw. An acne natural cure with these types of applications will help your skin stay healthy by stopping infection from spreading.

Finally, remember that any acne remedy might leave your skin a little parched for moisture at times during treatments. A good way to re-hydrate your skin after using an acne natural cure is to use Almond Oil. You’ll need to buy a bag of almonds, and grind up with water approximately 4-5 good sized almond nuts.

Spread the paste on your face, and don’t scrub. It will smooth the face and add some moisture too. Buttermilk is another way to treat skin for dryness, and so are curds. If you’ve tried every over the counter medication for it and it’s just not working, than you might want to use an acne natural cure. You can find a treatment solution in an acne natural cure, find out what works for you.

If acne is severe it would be wise to consult a dermatologist, who can prescribe a treatment plan to lessen the number of outbreaks, and subsequent scarring. The most common ingredient in most acne treatments is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, which can be very effective for mild to moderate acne in combination with regular gentle cleansing of the skin.

For those who have severe cases, antibiotics or Retin-A may also be added to the treatment regimen. Whatever type of acne you suffer from, no matter if it is mild or severe, it is possible to have clean skin.

Contributor's Info

For more related information visit - a site that offers advice for acne. Get professional knowledge on dealing with symptoms, medication side effects and improving your life!

A Simple Acne Solution

Before you run out and spend your hard earned cash on the next latest acne solution, why not try something way more simple? Reality check: acne isn't caused by what doesn't get put onto the skin, but what DOES get put onto the skin. So, piling on tons of so-called acne medicines isn't going to help your situation. Though many of the popular products show stunning results at the beginning, they don't keep producing such stunning results down the line.

The reason that many popular commercial acne solution products don't work is because they do not address the underlying causes and requirements of the body. The body is a highly organized work of nature, perfectly capable of caring for itself, repairing extensive damage even, if given just the basic supportive factors that it needs to perform these maintenance activities.

Therefore, the most important thing you can do for your skin is to provide the basic building blocks toward healthy skin. These are drinking plenty of water, eating fresh fruits and vegebtables, and getting an adequate amount of rest on a daily basis.

If you are a woman, you should shoot for drinking about two quarts (or liters) of water each day. For men, drinking three liters per day is optimal. Only by drinking enough water are we able to aid the body in cleansing wastes, from the cellular level on up.

As far as nutrition goes, it is not true that sugar or other foods make acne worse or more likely to happen in particular. However, eating less processed foods will affect the health of your skin positively. Foods high in sugar and empty carbohydrates are harder for the body to process. Effectively, these types of foods gunk up your system and cause the body to have to spend more energy to process these kinds of foods.

A simple acne solution includes the main factors above, as well as a basic cleansing regimen. Again, simple is best. Choose the simplest soap you can find, whether glycerin or as straight up as borax. Borax is actually a very gentle yet effective soap that even those with very sensitive skin can use. Plus, if you use borax, you're combining the cleansing and exfoliating parts of a complete skin maintenance regimen.

Simply massage the soap of your choice in thorough circular motions until the area feels stimulated. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry. If you like, you can also apply some undiluted lavender essential oil to the areas that concern you, or to the entire face or other large portion of the body. Just be careful to avoid the eyes. And remember that lavender essential oil can sting when applied to broken skin, but the sensation doesn't last long, as lavender is an effective pain killer as well.

Before attempting to make your acne situation better through using chemical acne solutions, try to simplify instead and see where that leaves things. Chances are you'll see results from simplifying that make the urge to try some commercial acne solution go away entirely. Health is about the whole body. Keep eating and resting well, and you'll continue to improve and be better able to cope with the illness that does affect you.

Contributor's Info

Stella served as an assistant at a beauty clinic for 5 years before leaving to pursue a career as a beautician. She now owns a beauty salon where she has a monthly clinic on acne treatment. Please visit for more information on best acne treatments.

How to Remove Blackheads

Do you know what I think the worst pimple of them all is? Well that's easy, it's the one that just won't go away. Sure, many of them tend to run on certain cycles, but others are just downright stubborn. What do you do about those pimples? Well, as you know, there are a number of methods and treatments available to aid you in this battle. You definitely don't want to do anything that will lead to even more breakout. Yes, I did say more breakout. Some products are simply not right for your skin, and can create more acne through harsh irritation.

One thing to be very concerned about his blackheads. I think you're familiar with blackheads at this point. These are those horrible little blocked pores. So many of us have them on our noses where it typically remains oily. Now, the question remains, how to remove blackheads? Well, listen up, we need to get this right.

If you're one of the thousands trying to figure out a way how to remove blackheads, let's take a step back for a moment. Don't go rushing and an inadvertently causing damage to your skin. Trust me when I say that I understand completely that blackheads are horrid things that need to be dealt with immediately.

These nasty looking things always hide deep in our pores, making it horribly painful to get them out. A lot of people go with the pinch and squeeze technique. While this probably does temporarily rid you of some blackheads, it is by no means a permanent fix. The real problem with the this technique is the damage or cause by the pressure you apply when you're pinching.

All that squeezing and pinching can lead to broken blood vessels around the nose, which believe me, are not all that pretty to look at either. See what I mean about making sure you don't rush into anything foolish? Probably the most popular and contemporary route concerning how to remove blackheads is the ever-popular Biore strip. They are relatively new and seem to make sense in their function. People are buying these things up. My wife was using them like a mad women.

Although the adhesive strips do pull out up to 50 percent of the current blackheads, they also come with a warning. The warning has everything to do with their harshness. I think you know what I mean if you have ever used one. These powerful strips can irritate your delicate skin, hence producing more irritation. And that only brings more blackheads ladies and gentlemen.

One effective method regarding how to remove blackheads concerns a hot wash cloth. A gentle facial scrub following application of a warm moist washcloth on your face for a period of 10 minutes can really help a lot. This should shew away some of those gnarly beasts without damaging your delicate puss. Some individuals prefer a professional blackhead remover. You can usually find news easily enough on the Internet. Remember to use gently. If you learn how to remove blackheads the proper way you'll be much better off.

Contributor's Info

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning health and beauty. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting How to Remove Blackheads
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