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Controlling Acne So You Can Conquer It

It can be a frustrating, annoying experience to have acne. The overwhelming majority of people get acne at one time or another in their lives. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to clear your skin and to avoid getting more of those bumps and blemishes. Here are just a few acne tips that are effective and will give you the results you're looking for.

1. Keep your stress under control. You may not know this, but stress has a great impact, not just to your emotional state, but on your physical body as well. Stress has been linked to a number of health issues, including acne. As stress rises, hormones are affected and ultimately your skin shows the result of that.

If you experience high levels of stress, you need to know that you have to relax to protect your health. You can control your acne better when you cut your stress. Take up meditation or yoga to learn how to de-stress. If that isn't your style, take a half-hour walk every day in nature. That will help relax you as well. Do whatever it takes so you can feel better and beat acne at the same time.

2. Cut down on your intake of caffeine. A lot of people drink coffee and don't think it has anything to do with the quality of their skin. Coffee in low quantities can be alright, but you have to make sure that you pay attention to your body and know when you have to stop. Caffeine stimulates a response in the body that has been said to cause acne, so it's important to be aware of how much caffeine you are ingesting--not just from coffee but black tea and chocolate as well.

3. Change your diet if you have to. Diets that are high in sugar and fat are usually a big factor in your acne. Food is supposed to nourish the body, and if you are not feeding yourself the right things, of course your skin will not be nourished and will look the way you made it through the food you eat. Try switching to a diet high in fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Drink a lot of water, which flushes toxins. Make your diet as healthy as you can, so that you can curb your acne by providing your body something healthy to work with.

4. Find the right cleanser for your face. This is very important, considering that you need to treat your acne. Treating your acne starts with cleaning your face, and some cleansers are better than others. Try one that is hypo-allergenic and medicated, if possible. That type of cleanser will be gentle on your skin and not as irritating as other cleansers. Also, remember that you want to keep a separate washcloth for your face.

As you now can see, there are some easy changes you can make to your life to be sure that you can clear up your face. You don't always have to be frustrated from acne; get started today.


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