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The Teen Guide To Controlling Acne

Acne is part of many teenager's lives. If you ask any teenager, they would probably tell you that they do not enjoy it. Luckily, there are a few things that can be done to help you manage your acne. Read the following article so you can find out how to take control of your acne and stop letting it control you.

Teen acne is something that almost every teen experiences. It can be caused by a number of things. One thing that causes acne is the hormones in your body; they are trying to balance themselves out and in the process they can wreak havok on your skin. Another cause of teen acne is when bacteria or dirt clogs the pores. The dirt and bacteria in the pores cause the pore to get irritated and form acne.

One of the best ways to control acne is to keep your face clean. You need to find a face wash that is formulated for acne and any other skin problem you may have. There are many acne face washes on the market, so it does make it a little overwhelming. Try to look for one that has salycic acid, this will help fight the acne. It is important to wash your face two times a day, morning and night. Be careful not to wash your face too much, though, as it can irritate your face, causing even more acne.

Along with cleaning your face you also need to use other products. There are acne treatment products that you put on the acne. There are many different acne treatment products. Before you give up on a product, give it several weeks. You should also find a good moisturizer, there are also many moisturizers that are formulated for those who suffer from acne.

As hard as it may be, do not pick at or pop pimples. When you do this, you are pushing the unhealthy dirt and bacteria back into your pores, causing even more ance. You may also squeeze too hard and cause a sore, which can lead to scarring. By putting your hands on your face, you are also introducing more dirt, oils and bacteria to your face, which can cause even more acne problems.

When dealing with acne persistence and consistency are key. Acne can not be treated overnight and the only way to keep it under control is to follow a strict routine. It may take several weeks for you to see a change, but once you do, it will all be worth it. The best way to control acne is to be consistent in your cleaning and care regime.

Change your pillow case often. Your pillow case can hold bacteria and dirt that can be irritating to your skin. It is best to try and change your pillow case every couple days.

Unfortunately many teens suffer from acne. There are no miracle cures, or overnight successes, but with some time, effort and consistency, you can start to get the results you want.


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