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Does asthma effect your sex life?

Your question:  My docter told me that my asthma will prevent me to have a proper sex life.  He said that in 7 years i'll be like a 70 year old woman when I'll be of only 24years old.  I'm still a virgin and I do not really know if this is true or not.  I'm really scared and don't know what to do.  Help?

My humble answer:  I have never heard such folly in my life.  If your doctor is telling you stuff like that then perhaps it's time to get a new doctor.  It's not true.  You should call your doctor and ask him or her to provide you with some evidence.  If he does please share.  So don't worry about it.  If you need any proof, I've struggled with asthma for 42 years and have four kids.



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