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5 Ways to Fight Acne

Acne can be an embarrassing problem, especially if you feel like you're too old to still be dealing with it!  This article will give you some ways to treat or prevent acne outbreaks.

Washing your face is the easiest, cheapest way to prevent or control acne.  While it won't stop every pimple, regularly washing your face with soap and water will help remove most of the oil and dirt that can lead to acne.  Use a fragrance free soap that's designed for your face, not your body.

Some facial scrubs, masks, or lotions contain a lot of oil.  Even products that call themselves cleansers can lead to more acne if they're high in oil.  If acne's a concern, double check any products before putting them on your face.  Try to buy products that are labeled as oil free to avoid making the situation worse.

Try to avoid touching your face and, if you have long hair, keep it pulled back.  Both your fingers and your hair are covered with oils that can cause acne.  No matter how tempting it may be, resist the urge to pop or squeeze pimples!  Popping pimples with your fingers puts more oil on your face and can cause scarring or infection.  Keeping your hands off your face and keeping long hair in a ponytail is another easy way to prevent acne.

If nothing seems to work, try a visit to a dermatologist.  A dermatologist may be able to recommend dietary changes or medicines that can help severe acne.  Don't feel bad if other, simpler changes haven't done the trick.  For some people, acne can be a persistent condition.  If you're worried about scarring or just frustrated by constant outbreaks, it's okay to get a little extra help from a professional.

Stress can be another cause of acne.  Instead of worrying about every spot, work on relaxation techniques.  Deep breathing or physical exercise can help calm your mind and protect your skin.  Nearly everyone has dealt with acne at some point in their lives--it can be upsetting, but don't risk another outbreak by letting it get to you!  We all want to look our best, but stressing out over your skin won't do anything to help.  Take a few deep breaths, do an activity you enjoy, or go for a walk!  You'll feel better, and you might find yourself with clearer skin!

Acne can also be caused by hormones.  Women often deal with acne at a later age than men because of their monthly hormonal changes.  If you notice your outbreaks happening at the same time each month, hormonal birth control might be able to help even if other techniques haven't.  Certain brands even have acne prevention as a helpful side effect!

Sometimes acne is beyond your control, but it's still possible to take some steps to lessen the problem.  This article has given you some ways to shorten or even prevent acne outbreaks.  Follow this advice, and you may be seeing a new face in the mirror very soon!


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