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Acne Home Treatments do Work

With the countless number of people who are still plagued with this skin-disorder called acne, and the countless number of acne medications that seem to fail, it may be time to revise our views on acne home treatment options.

Take it from me, I had this acne problem for close to 7 years and though I shudder just thinking about the experience at times, I thank fate that I went through it as now I’ll be able to help people who may have the problem.

Moreover, since my dad said he had it (as well as my brother), perhaps knowing what I know now would save my kids from having the trouble with it acne.

Seriously though, acne home treatments can be and are more than sufficient for acne help-if you know how.

Here are some tips that could (and would help)

1. You’ve got to change your diet:

Rid yourself of junk and processed foods and lean more towards foods in their natural state. This in itself is an entirely different topic, however, the saying “you are what you eat” is not without truth in regards to using acne home treatments as an alternative for acne relief.

2. Practice Basic Hygienic Principles:

Simple precautionary measures such as changing your pillow case frequently, using an exclusive towel for your face, facial massaging and the avoidance of touching your face with dirty hands will go a long way in aiding for the external aspect of any successful acne home treatment regimen. You can also add steaming the face or visits to the steam room in the gym. (or if you’re so inclined at home)

3. Exercise Helps.

Speaking of the gym in the tip above, exercise helps a lot in two ways. First it relieves stress (which has been shown to aggravate and or cause acne), secondly it helps you in regards to detoxification. My favorites are Yoga and Calisthenics: namely the Hindu-Push Ups (here’s a tip this yoga-esque exercise is a supposed anti-aging exercise so…)

The tips above might be the most important in forming the basis for an acne home treatment program, however let me mention these:

a. AVOID MICROWAVES. (Long story, but trust me on this….)

b. Try to sleep on your right side.

c. For males, if you shave, do it in the direction of your hair-growth.

d. For females, try to look into the use of minimal make-up. (trust me most guys like you natural anyway.)

e. It won’t hurt to fast…

Here’s to clearer skin naturally,


Contributor's Info

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. He invites you to visit his blog on Acne Treatment for more acne remedy tips today.


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