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The 5 Best Acne Scar Treatments

A lot of us have suffered from acne at some point in our life. Most of us had acne problems during the dreadful adolescent years. When I was growing up there was not a lot of information about acne prevention or treatments. Consequently, my acne solution was popping the pimple or blemish and then rubbing alcohol on it as a topical treatment. These are the two worst things I could have done. As a result, I have some acne scars.

Fortunately, there are some wonderful acne scar treatments on the market today. Not all acne scar treatments are the same. You should discuss with your dermatologist the cost of the different procedures and which treatment works best for the type of acne scars you have. Here is a brief description of the 5 best ways to treat acne scars.

1. Dermabrasion- Many believe that this is the best acne scar treatments available on the market. Dermabrasion is the procedure whereby an electrical brush or fraise is used to remove the outer layer of the skin, thereby removing the dead skin and revealing new skin layers. After this procedure the skin will feel smooth.

2. Collagen Injection- Collagen injections involve the procedure whereby collagen is injected into the skin. This procedure fills in certain types of acne scars. This procedure may have to be repeated every 3 to 6 months.

3. Acne Laser Treatment- Laser treatment is another form of acne scar treatment. Laser treatment is a procedure whereby lasers are used to burn away the skins surface that is damaged. What is great about this procedure is that only one treatment may be need to accomplish lasting results.

4. Autologous Fat Transfer- This is an acne scar treatment whereby fat is transferred from one part of the body and used for injection into the damaged area of the skin. The transferred fat is injected under the skins service to even out depressed scars. This procedure may have to be repeated after 6 to 18 months because the skin absorbs the transferred fat.

5. Microdermabrasion- This acne removal procedure uses aluminum oxide crystals that go through a vacuum tube that removes the outer surface of skin. This procedure may have to be repeated multiple times.

If you suffer from acne scar, then you should consider one of the aforementioned acne scar treatments. You can finally erase the scars of the past.

Contributor's Info

Deborah Gregory is a successul webmaster and publisher of She provides more acne scar treatment solutions and acne prevention information at her website.


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