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Lung Cancer Rise Over Total Smokers

Lung Cancer Rise Over Total Smokers - The number of lung cancer patients increased 20 percent each year. This increase is in line with the increasing number of smokers in Indonesia.

"The biggest risk factor for lung cancer is smoking, which is connected with 9 of 10 cases of lung cancer," said Achmad Hudoyo, subspesialis pulmonary physicians from Friendship Hospital, Friday (10/2), in Jakarta, on the sidelines of Pulmonology Scientific Meeting and Science Respiratory Medicine.

Friendship Hospital data showed that the number of lung cancer patients who seek treatment or treated reach 800-1000 people over the last two years. Predicted, this number will reach 1,300 in 2013.

Achmad said that 70 percent of lung cancer patients using the services and Jamkesmas Askes. This means that the patients coming from the class can not afford. That accommodate the health insurance act of biopsy, bronchoscopy, chemotherapy, and drugs. The target of therapy, the price of one pill per day of Rp 600,000-Rp 700,000 and the patient should be taking for months to years, not replaced Jamkesmas.

Of the number of patients, most of the heavy smokers who spent two packs of cigarettes per day. "Lung cancer can be prevented by not smoking. However, in Indonesia, the year, the higher the number of smokers. Also increased the number of smokers first, "he said.

The site World Health Organization (WHO) stated, lung cancer is ranked first as the cause of cancer deaths (1.37 million deaths) followed by stomach cancer (736 000), liver cancer (695 000), colorectal cancer (608 000), breast cancer (458 000) , and cervical cancer (275,000). In Indonesia, the death rate from lung cancer 20.5 per 100,000 people.

Achmad said the 5-year survival rate for lung cancer is only 13 percent. This is much smaller than breast, prostate, and colon, which could reach 80 percent.

Delay in detecting lung cancer patients the opportunity to make a smaller survival.

In the advanced stage lung cancer, doctors recommend that use of palliative medicine. This is the care of cancer patients to reduce pain and improve quality of life of patients.

Palliative medicine experts who are also doctors in hospitals lung subspesialis Soetomo Surabaya, Benjamin P Margono said, this treatment requires a team of diverse backgrounds. "Families of patients also need treatment for cancer have declined in the family concern," said Benjamin. (ICH)


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