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Dust mites linked to asthma -- study

A study performed by Australian researchers shows that infants who tested positive for a dust mite allergy were more likely to develop asthma by the age of 12 compared with children who did not. 

There were 620 kids followed from birth to age 12.  Kids that showed a sensitivity to dust mites near birth were retested when they were 12, and 75 percent were diagnosed with asthma.  Kids that did not show a sensitivity were tested at birth and again at age 12, and 36 percent were diagnosed with asthma.

Study experts want to make clear this does not mean dust mites cause asthma, yet it shows a "strong correlation" between dust mite allergy and asthma. 

I think this study makes sense, because many other studies show that anything that causes airway inflammation can lead to asthma if you are exposed to it long enough, or if the symptoms are not diagnosed and treated right away.

If you are exposed to something that causes lung inflammation and your exposure is constant, that airway inflammation can become permanent or chronic.  Chronic airway inflammation is defined as asthma.  This inflammation makes your airways extra sensitive to asthma triggers

This is a clear sign to doctors that they must be aware of the signs and symptoms of allergies, diagnose allergies promptly, and treat the symptoms promptly. 

Likewise, doctors must educate all parents of children about the signs and symptoms of allergies and when to call the doctor, especially children with a predisposition to asthma.

Kids predisposed to asthma include:  premature kids, family history of asthma, etc. 



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