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Melasma Treatment: Home Remedies

Melasma is a disease that causes irregular patches of hyperpigmentation on the face. Occurs when the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate pigment-producing cells to produce excess melanin in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Melasma is more common in darker skin tones that naturally contain more of these pigment-producing cells, like the skin of Asian and African origin. A number of melasma treatments are not suitable for pregnant women and seeing that many of the victims are indeed pregnant melasma, the safest treatment options is necessary. If you do not want to wait until the end of pregnancy for a cure, consider these home remedies to treat melasma.
Melasma typically occurs during pregnancy when estrogen levels are high, but can also affect women taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement.

Lemon Juice for Melasma

Lemon juice has natural properties relief of the skin and is probably the most popular recommendation natural relief of the skin. Apply fresh lemon juice in the affected areas with a cotton ball every night and leave on face for 20 minutes before rinsing. For faster results, you can do this twice a day, but we're sure to wash the lemon juice and wear a sunscreen with a high before going outside and lemon juice makes the skin extremely sensitive to sunlight.

Melasma and Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years for many skin diseases. The gel contained in a thick leaves of the plant aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and skin lightening properties. If you have a plant, you can take the gel from yourself, or you can buy 100% aloe vera gel network. The gel can be applied to the face during the night and washed off in the morning. Continue treatment for hard to get the best results. Home remedies for melasma are effective and gentle, but it may take several months to show the full results.

Most important in the treatment of melasma is a good sunscreen with high sun protection factor. During pregnancy the hormonal treatment, protect your skin from the sun helps prevent hormone-related hyperpigmentation. If you are not pregnant or hyperpigmentation was caused by non-hormonal drugs and pregnancy, you can use skin lightening products or other treatments to reverse the melasma.

Chemical peels and laser treatment can be used to remove hyperpigmentation, but the treatment is still the most popular skin whitening products. There are a number of treatments in the light of skin on the market that contain only natural ingredients so you do not have to worry about potentially harm your skin.


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