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The Brain- Short Version

Brains are formed through interactions with others

The thinking part of the brain is formed through caretakers taking care of baby- organizing, meeting needs, creating a predictable life.

If these things aren’t done reliably, the thinking brain will be under developed, and the child will be more impulsive, less planful, and may have a learning disorder.

Through early attachment experiences the brain develops a template or pattern for how human relationships are going to be throughout life.

Events with a strong emotion attached are most strongly remembered.

The brain and body automatically respond to danger- alertness, focused attention, increased muscle tone, decreased ability to think.

If action is not possible body freezes, withdraws blood from limbs, releases opiods to prepare for injury.

Too much stress- the brain can get stuck in these modes.

When the brain is in survival mode, thinking interventions do not work. Thinking is shut down and not available.

Early positive attachment develops the ability to calm down, self sooth, and regulate response to danger. Inconsistent attachment leaves the person with less of these abilities. They are stuck in survival mode and their thinking brain is not kicking in to send safety messages or to realistically evaluate safety.

The brain can change and grow throughout life. It changes through use and attachments, especially through repetitive, rhythmic experiences.


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