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Remedies For Gonorrhea

For the reason that gonorrhea is so hard to self-diagnose, sexually energetic adults who are not in a monogamous affiliation are supposed to be tested for gonorrhea yearly. To make a diagnosis the condition, your physician or gynecologist conducts a pelvic test, checking for irritation or discharge; if either is there, the doctor will collect a sample of the discharge or infected tissue for additional testing.

Gonorrhea is a highly infectious disease. If you are diagnosed with gonorrhea, your physician will ask that you contact all current (and, if essential, past) sexual partners. Antibiotics, for instance the Ceftriaxone (which is taken in a single dose) plus doxycyline may be given. Doxycyline is recommended for 7 days to treat Chlamydia, which often occurs at the same time with gonorrhea.

Corresponding and Alternative Treatments, Remedies For Gonorrhea

Nutrition and Supplementation

Even though diet doesn't have a direct role in treating or preventing sexually transmitted diseases, supplementation can help out. Follow the every day guidelines below:

•Zinc (not to exceed 100 mg)-essential for the health of reproductive organs
•Colloidal silver (as directed on label)-reduces inflammation and promotes healing
•Vitamin B complex (50 mg 3 times daily) aids in cellular reproduction
•Raw glandular complex (as directed on label)-promotes immune function
•Garlic (as directed on label)-an immune stimulant and natural antibiotic
•Free-form amino acid complex (as directed on label)-needed for tissue repair
•Vitamin C (750 to 2500 4 times daily)-an an tiviral agent
•A prodophilus formula (as directed on label, 3 times daily, on empty stomach)-restores friendly bacteria often killed by antibiotics
•Vitamin K (100 mcg)-destroyed by antibiotics, but necessary for blood clotting


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